Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome!

  • 2

    Day 1

    • Day 1

    • Live Session Replay

  • 3

    Day 2

    • LightBody Reconnection Exercise (Audio)

  • 4

    Day 3

    • LIve Session Beginning Discussion

    • Live Session Activation

    • Live Session End Discussion

  • 5

    Day 4

    • Activation: Allowing Collpase and Quantum Jumping

  • 6

    Day 5

    • Play with Music and Your Body

  • 7

    Day 6

    • Playing with Simplicity

  • 8

    Day 7

    • Reconnecting Exercise

  • 9

    Day 8

    • Playing with SOUlar, Sun and Yellow Frequencies

  • 10

    Day 9

    • Playing with rocks, stones, crystals or andaras

  • 11

    Day 10

    • Playing with Time

  • 12

    Day 11

    • Playing with your Environment

  • 13

    Day 12

    • Open Up to Feel

  • 14

    Day 13

    • Audio Activation

  • 15

    Day 14

    • Playing with RePurposing

  • 16

    Day 15

    • Keep Playing and Opening Up!

    • Deep Soul Gratitude!